Narcosis treatment

Sometimes teeth need to be treated while the child is unconscious. Particularly when young children’s teeth are seriously damaged, a general anaesthetic is the best way to eliminate tooth decay.

Parents are invited to meet with us and the anaesthetist before treatment to learn exactly what will happen. Parents also will be introduced to the anaesthesia team that will be caring for the child throughout the procedure.

After the treatment is finished, parents will be present in the room where the child will awaken. The child will remain there for up to about 1 to 1.5 hours, until the anaesthetist discharges him or her.

The following is important:

Vollkommen Gesund

Children must be perfectly healthy (no light cold or herpes cold sores).

6 Stunden vorher keine Nahrung

Children must not eat anything for 6 hours prior to the anaesthetic (including sweets and chewing gum).

2 Stunden vorher nichts trinken

Children must not drink anything in the two 2 hours prior to the anaesthetic.

Zeit nehmen

After the anaesthetic, children will be fretful and tired. Please take time to make it a relaxed, snuggle-up day.


Please also bring a change of clothes.