Dental treatment


Teeth can be protected from tooth decay before it occurs.

Teeth with deep grooves and fossae on the chewing surface are particularly at risk to caries. Children with such teeth should have them sealed. 


There are various types of filling materials. In our practice, we use only plastics or glass ionomer cements for filling materials.

Cement fillings are softer than plastic. They are a light, slightly yellow colour. The cost of cement fillings is covered by the statutory health insurance schemes.

Milk tooth endodontics

The milk tooth nerve in particular can quickly become infected by carious bacteria and die, even though the hole might still look small from the outside. Inter-proximal tooth decay is especially dangerous for the delicate milk teeth. 


In most cases, the tooth decay has attacked the nerve and the tooth needs nerve treatment. A steel crown is needed for such teeth, giving them a good chance of fulfilling their space-maintaining function until there is a natural change.

Children’s dentures

If a child loses several teeth as the result of an accident, illness or tooth decay, it is important that the child continue to ingest food.

Space maintainers

If a milk tooth has been lost prematurely as the result of an accident or tooth decay, the gap that results must be kept open for the subsequent tooth. This can be done using a space maintainer.

Aesthetic gap closure

No child needs to be afraid to laugh!

If front milk teeth can no longer be retained as the result of an accident or baby bottle tooth decay, they can be replaced by plastic teeth using a laboratory-created, firmly fixed gap closure.

„Den ersten Milchzahn habe ich beim Zähneputzen verloren"
Paul, 10 Jahre